Purchasing process improvement

We apply all our expertise in process improvement and re-engineering to purchasing processes: supplier listing, calls for tender, invoice settlement, quality control, etc.

This work involves the formal mapping of processes in such a way as to create a “common ground” for critical discussion, in order to identify dysfunctions resulting from the audit (discrepancy between application and rule) and points for improvement, taking into account best practices (benchmark).

We operate in various sectors

Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)

Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.

Our work focuses on issues relating to the organization and management of physical flows, as well as on forward-looking studies linked to territories. Our areas of expertise include urban logistics, modal shift and carbon footprint.