Transport Plan

The transport plan allows you to plan transportation by organizing the movement of goods. It’s not always easy to make the link between transport purchasing and which carrier will carry which flow at which time. If you want your carriers to meet your needs, you need to be able to give them reliable forecasts, anticipate your order peaks, and know their capacities (geographical and volume).

We therefore help our customers to formalize their transport plans, using data collected during calls for tender, but also internally: forecasts, order preparation methods, sales administration (ADV), etc.

In addition, Newton.Vaureal Consulting mobilizes its optimization department, historically developed in-house, to define the best transport response. In the search for optimal solutions, we take into account criteria such as quality of service, carbon footprint, costs and logistics quality. Depending on the scope of your activities, we can integrate inter-plant transport, approach transport, sales transport and return transport into the transport plan, whatever the mode.

Finally, today’s transport plan often relies on the TMS tool, which we can help you to identify, select and deploy, and we can also support you in making its dialogue with the warehouse WMS more dynamic.We take care to support the transport organization in all projects requiring changes in business skills.

We operate in various sectors

Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)

Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.

Our work focuses on issues relating to the organization and management of physical flows, as well as on forward-looking studies linked to territories. Our areas of expertise include urban logistics, modal shift and carbon footprint.