Warehouse performance

Our Consulting offer for Warehouses is structured in 5 steps

1. Flash Audit

Our mission often start with a Flash audit of the warehouse to assess the performance of the operations and compare them to best practices. The audit allows us to identify malfunctions, propose and plan Quick Wins and major developments, in order to improve the quality of service, aim for cost reduction, and improve the quality of work through the deployment of innovative digital solutions.

2. Infrastructure sizing

Newton. Vaureal Consulting relies on tools to define or benchmark the characteristics of the building according to the operating processes (with stock, without stock, P-manufacturing) and for all the necessary surfaces (preparation area, storage area, shipping area, etc.). An estimate of the investment can be made for a new warehouse (real estate costs – construction, security, etc. – and equipment costs – racks, handling trolleys, automation, etc.)  

3. Operating process

Newton Vaureal Consulting has developed an extensive knowledge of warehouse processes in different industries (Retail, BtoB Distribution, Agriculture and agri-food, Health, Aeronautics and Defense, Maintenance, Construction, Consumer Electronics, Luxury) which allows the evaluation of the best processes to put in place for a given activity in the particular context of the company (strategy, investment policy, human resources, etc.).

This expertise allows us to define with you the organizational target and the change management plan at all hierarchical levels :

We define the ideal organizational target and develop a change support plan that affects all hierarchical levels of the company. This ensures a smooth transition to new practices and tools, ensuring successful adoption of changes and alignment of teams with strategic objectives.

4. Performance continuous improvement

Our continuous improvement approach is based on the lean culture: structuring processes and deploying operational standards.

We support the transformation of practices by adopting a lean culture, structuring your processes and deployingoperational standards that guarantee efficiency and reduction of waste. This approach allows for continuous improvement, thus optimizing your logistics operations and improving the responsiveness of your teams to market challenges.

In these approaches, our Supply Chain and logistics consultants rely on tools and methods such as:

  • Deployment of a Sig Sigma approach to measure the performance of the activity and identify the causes of non-performance. 
  • Other tools developed and used in Lean Manufacturing type approaches: Ishikawa diagram – SMED approach: Single Minute Exchange of Die – 5 S approach

5. Data based management

implementation of actionable KPIs and strengthening of operational management rituals

We implement actionable KPIs for data-driven management, allowing your teams to make informed decisions in real time. At the same time, we strengthen operational management rituals, promoting rapid decision-making and constant monitoring of performance, thus ensuring continuous improvement of your processes.

We operate in various sectors

Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)

Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.

Our work focuses on issues relating to the organisation and management of physical flows, or on forward-looking studies linked to local areas. Our work focuses on urban logistics, modal shift and the carbon footprint.