Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning
Supply chain planning method
All too often, planning is still based on Excel files. Production uses MRP (Manufacturing Requirement Planning) methods. DDMRP (Demand Driven MRP) is a supply chain planning method, from purchasing to distribution, which combines components borrowed from classic MRP and Lean and Six Sigma approaches. The flow is demand-driven. Intermediate buffers are identified and positioned according to decoupling points (sectioning between pushed and pulled flows) that meet the following criteria:
- Expected time versus process time
- Orders and forecasts
- Nature of critical activities
The analysis and implementation of DDMRP methods and tools requires considerable expertise, particularly when it comes to positioning and sizing buffers.
The gains associated with the DDMRP approach are as follows:
- Improved service quality, with a focus on meeting deadlines
- Reduce supply chain bottlenecks
- Inventory reduction
We operate in various sectors
Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)
Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.
Our work focuses on issues relating to the organization and management of physical flows, as well as on forward-looking studies linked to territories. Our areas of expertise include urban logistics, modal shift and carbon footprint.