Warehouse Automation and Robotization

Implementing a mechanization or robotization solution is a complex project, with significant challenges both in financial terms and in warehouse performance. To ensure success, our logistics consulting offer covers all phases of your project :

We analyze your logistics processes, your product flows and your activity rates to identify the mechanization and robotization opportunities best suited to your specific needs. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of market players, we select the most efficient technologies, allowing you to optimize your operations, improve productivity, increase accuracy and reduce operational costs, while ensuring shorter processing times and management of more efficient inventory.

We design with you the Draft Summary and Detailed Preliminary Project to structure and plan automation of your processes. By relying on our expertise and our knowledge of the best solutions on the market, we ensure  seamless integration of new technologies into your existing operations. This process ensures maximum optimization of your ressources and continuous improvement of your logistics performance.

We manage the entire project, relying on our expertise to select the most suitable suppliers, taking into account their technical capabilities and reliability. We design a detailed business plan, estimate the payback, and plan the technical integration  of the selected solutions. Thanks to our knowledge of the market, we ensure successful deployment and an optimal adoption of automation, thus reducing the risks and maximizing the benefits for your warehouse.

We operate in various sectors

Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)

Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.

Our work focuses on issues relating to the organisation and management of physical flows, or on forward-looking studies linked to local areas. Our work focuses on urban logistics, modal shift and the carbon footprint.