WMS, WES, WCS : Warehouse Digitalization

Warehouses are changing. So are their management systems.

  • Managing a warehouse involves coordinating all the resources dedicated to it: personnel (when to mobilize them, how many for what, with what productivity, monitoring with what indicators), machines of all kinds (load-capacity adequacy…), stocks(replenishment). As in a factory, this results in activity planning, scheduling and launching.

The role of warehouse digitalization systems is to give you the keys to manage those activities, in order to optimize your performance.

There are three main families:

  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), dedicated to planning and monitoring execution.
  • Warehouse Control Systems (WCS): these systems enable real-time monitoring and control of automated resources within the warehouse. They are dedicated to execution, and control each machine, each PLC. They can therefore be numerous and juxtaposed. WCSs are therefore the IT solutions for controlling the intrinsic performance of each PLC installed in the warehouse.
  • Warehouse Execution Systems (WES) are hybrid systems whose terminology is sometimes disputed. It is an intermediary system between the WMS and the WCS, designed to optimize the overall performance of the installation in real time. As each machine has its own WCS, the WES manages the orchestration of the whole system, and the balance between available resources and the load released on the various workshops.

Historically, these systems have been stacked one on top of the other, with more or less successful management of interfaces that only allow limited coordination between the different functionalities covered by the three types of system. Rationalization and simplification are needed, in a context that calls for increased interaction with other systems, always in real time (for example, exchanges with a Transport Management System (TMS) to take account of transport contingencies and modify order priorities in the warehouse).

toFaced with this complexity, how can we make the right choices? Rely on our logistics consulting experts to accelerate the digitalization of your warehouse and obtain real-time management. To choose the best WMS / WCS adapted to your needs and ensure the success of the deployment, our offer includes:


We analyze the digital maturity of your existing processes and identify your specific business needs in order to build a pragmatic IT development roadmap. This approach allows you to transform your logistics operations by integrating digital solutions, perfectly aligned with your digital transformation objectives.


We support you in the choice of WMS/WCS/WES by managing the purchasing process (RFI/RFQ), to guarantee the selection of the most suitable solutions to your specific logistics needs. Our expertise ensures you an optimal technological investment, which meets your requirements for efficiency and scalability while maximizing the return on investment.


We assist you in the integration project management and play the role of a trusted third party in the relationship with the vendor and the integrator. We deploy dynamic dashboards and actionable KPIs for real-time monitoring of your logistics operations. This digitalization allows you to optimize the management of your flows, make informed decisions based on data and maximize the responsiveness of your teams to daily operational challenges.

We operate in various sectors

Large groups, institutions, SMEs ; we have the resources to support companies of all sizes and in all circumstances (from long-term vision to crisis support)

Supply chain is becoming an integral part of industrial sites. Managing site supplies means working more closely with suppliers, and integrating factory workflows into the supply chain.

Our work focuses on issues relating to the organisation and management of physical flows, or on forward-looking studies linked to local areas. Our work focuses on urban logistics, modal shift and the carbon footprint.